User Guide

1. Site

The NIIF Archiver can be found on the link.

By clicking on the "Login" button at the upper right corner, you can reach the interface after the succesful login (The login window may vary depending on the institution!).

2. Overview

On the main page after the login, there are 4 menu items on the right corner, that let you to log out from the site (Logout button), or you can read the User Guide or Service Request helps (Help button), you can see your membership's duration (My Account button), and of course you can enter the Archiver application.

3. Archiving datas

By entering the Archiver, the following arrangement can be seen:

There are two tabs appearing - Tape list and Job list. The Tape list allows you to archive data, restore data, rename tapes, or erase the entire tape

3.1. Archiving

The Archive button opens the following dialog submenu:

The exact access path of a file or a folder has to be given into the Source input field in order to save the datas, and by giving a name in the Name input field, the name of the saved datas can be set (it is necessary in case of the archiving data is a folder).
The Archiver supports SFTP, FTP and HTTP protocols.
Using the HTTP protocol, the full http access path has to be given, f.e.:

Using the SFTP protocol, the following formula has to be used:

Important! Such SFPT sites, where key-based authentication is required for the log in, the Archiver will not be able to save the datas.

3.2. Restore

This menu item serves for restoring the file(s) that has been saved on the tape(s).

By clicking on the Restore button, the target directory of the restoring place has to be given into the Target dir input field, with the same clauses and formulas as during the archiving. By clicking on the Restore button after giving the access path of the target directory, the restoring of the selected file/folder begins.

Important! Only archived data with"complete" status can be restored (below detailed)!

If a file with the same name is archived more than once, the archiver does not overwrite the original saved file(s), but it will save with a different internal ID, so if necessary, previous saves of that file can be also restored. The previous backups can be viewed and restored by clicking on the gray arrow next to the file.

3.3. Rename

This menu item serves for renaming the tapes.

3.4. Erase

It serves for fully erasing the tapes. After erasing a tape, there is not any possiblity to restore any datas from the tape!

4. Job list

By clicking on the Job list menu item, the status of the archiving(s) and their success(es) can be seen.

The three fields right from the access path contain the name of the selected tape, which used for saving; the direction of the archiving (archive or restore); and the status: pending, complete, or error.
By clicking on the View button the archiving menu item will appear.

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